How to play
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Last updated
In this guide, we will provide step-by-step instructions for playing on our platform and maximizing your gaming experience.
Before you begin playing, there are a few important setups to complete. Firstly, ensure that you have tokens in your wallet. These tokens will be used as the currency for placing bets on Jungle Casino.
It is crucial to have an adequate amount of tokens in your wallet to cover the gas fees associated with your chosen network. Transactions on Jungle Casino incur costs due to Chainlink's VRF fees. However, please note that a portion of the VRF fees paid will be refunded, as the costs are calculated only when the RNG request is made.
To place a bet, simply select the game you wish to play, choose your desired bet amount, and confirm the transaction. Your bet will be placed, and the game's outcome will be determined by a random number generated by Chainlink's VRF.
Please be aware that the VRF fees are charged upfront, which may give the impression of high gas fees. However, most of the VRF fees will be refunded to the player upon making the VRF request. For further verification, you can check your transaction details on the explorer.
You need to allow your wallet to connect to the site (this allows the site to identify you without creating an account or making a deposit). By default, your wallet is on the Ethereum blockchain. Clicking the "Switch to Mumbai" button will prompt your wallet to add this network (Polygon's testnet) and connect to it. On mobile, go to Metamask and visit using your wallet's browser.
If you don't have a wallet or if you encounter difficulties with your usual wallet, you can create one with Metamask. Simple and safe, it is perfectly compatible with the website.
By default, your wallet is on the Ethereum blockchain. Clicking the "Switch to Polygon'' button will prompt your wallet to add this network (Matic) and connect to it. You will be able to play with Matics or Uscd!
If you're having difficulties switching to Polygon, this video will be helpful to you.
On mobile, go to Metamask and visit using your wallet's browser.
To play, you need funds for gas fees (Matic) and bets (Matic or Usdc).
If you have USDC and/or Matic in your wallet, you can proceed to the next step. Otherwise, You can use the Buy function of Metamask or go get supplies on Bybit, Binance, Okx, or on the exchange of your choice.
Refer to the "How to play" section for each game to understand the game principles.
On mobile, you need to use the wallet's browser for navigation.
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